Hood loves Finding Nemo.
Things have been great out here in Eugene. Daniel's definitely becoming a little hot shot at his job. JT has become one of his biggest fans which is amazing. It's always great when people you respect have respect for you too. While Dan loves many aspects of his work but he does miss hanging out with kids all day. Right now it looks like he won't be going to grad school next year for financial reasons so he's sent out to get his Oregon teacher's license. If he can find a teaching job in the state is an entirely different matter though. If not, he'll likely continue working at BRT for another year or so.
School's...well, school. I'm still taking classes for my prerequisites that are a complete waste of time. I am enjoying my classes a bit more this term but it is still only the 2nd week so we'll see how it goes. Calculus at 8:30 is NOT fun though. I did have to switch to Calc 1 instead of Calc 2 since I realized I'd forgotten pretty much all the rules. Sadly, this will put me back another term from getting into the business program. Not ideal, of course, but I think it was the right decision overall since I'll understand the material better, likely get better grades, and I can just use that other term to get even more of my generals done. I'll just have all business all the time once I get into the program.
The kitties are doing well. Hood is growing so fast! He looks like a full grown cat now. *tear* They grow up so quickly. *tear* Juneau has become a total love bug lately while Hood is getting more independent every day. It'll be interesting to see how they deal with the move!
Speaking of, we're moving out of our apartment! Yay! A little duplex just down the road from us opened up. It's a great little place (about the same size or a smidgen smaller than our place now) that was just completely redone with new carpeting, linoleum, oven, and even the cabinets were refinished. It has a garage (awesome!) and a huuuuge backyard. Our neighbor is also our landlord who's this nice older man who's hard of hearing - great for those nights that Juneau decides to be loud. He's also said that we can landscape the backyard however we want and he'll reimburse us for any bushes, etc that we get. We're planning on setting up a little garden in the corner (I started a small compost pile in an old kittie litter container the other day) and probably plant some dahlias and other flowers too. Yay! We've been wanting a garden for a while so this is awesome. If anybody knows of any good home composters though please let me know! Either way, we sign the contract this weekend and move in a week from Friday.
This weekend I'll be up in Portland with Jess and Tess to get some wedding things finalized. I'm meeting with the 3rd (and final) photographer to try and make a final decision soon. Right now I think the guy I'm meeting on Sat is going to be the winner - he's even cutting us a deal since he wants to photograph the wedding. Again, AWESOME! In other wedding news we've finally gotten our lines done and started cementing things. My side will be William, Robbie, Jessica Heflin, Teresa Zalewski, and Hadassah Hall. Dan's side will have Sean, Katie, Josh Anderson, Mike Cook, and (if he can make it) Jordan Irving. My ppl will wear grey and Dan's will wear light blue to help distinguish who's with whom. Saturday I hope to figure out all the rental information and possibly find a DJ at the bridal show too. That will drastically cut down on the things we need to get done! I'm still hoping to get the main things squared away now so I don't have to go crazy or get stressed right before the wedding. I'm sure there will still be a lot to get done then anyway but I want to try.
Ok, and that's enough typing for now. I will try to be better about posting in the future! I hope you all had a great holiday season and have a prosperous new year ahead of you!
Nice to see you back! So I will be wearing light blue? Sounds nice. Let me know what exactly you want me to be wearing.
ReplyDeleteWe had such a great time with you guys in Oregon, it makes us sad that you don't live close enough for us to see you more often. Congrats on the duplex! That sounds like it will be a really great living situation for the two of you.
How fun is your cat???!!! A while back I had four and someone bought me a "cat video" for them ... it was just something that showed tropical fish slowly swimming on the t.v.! They all loved it!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by...
I had such a good time with you guys and everyone else! :) -Winnie