Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pictures From The Last Month

Ok, people! Here are those photos from the last month or so. I have to admit that we were terrible at taking pictures in San Diego (as in we didn't take any) but here's what we have...

Some pretty flowers from the botanical & rose gardens at Balboa Park

Some cute duck chicks I found at the Seaside Village ponds.

Gotta love the beach!

I gave up trying to keep my sweater down off my shoulders. 

Us hanging out and hugging stuffed animals after sushi.
Dan was slightly drunk from sake bombs and fell in love...with an elephant.

Some pictures from Alton Baker Park by our house:

Juneau sleeping on our porch. 

Self explanatory.

Dan wanted me to make the bed but didn't want to get out of it first. 
So...I made it with him in it.

Juneau exploring Kenai's box.
Our new baby.
So tiny!
Typical attitudes that first day.

1 comment:

  1. The picture of Juneau in the Cuties box made me laugh! I loved the quote "Self Explanatory". And your new baby looks awfully precious. I'm so jealous. There is nothing more fun than a new kitten. I can't wait to give her some kisses!
